About luckybill1

Hello, I am Mandi, momma to "Lucky Bill." Lucky Bill, The Husband and I live on several acres in the woods in Illinois. We enjoy the outdoors, parks, picnics, swings, silly faces, bad jokes and ice cream. :) On our blog here you can follow Lucky Bill's adventures! Interested in pretty things and crafts?? Visit me at my other blog SewRedPlanet.Blogspot.com!

Lucky Bill Goes to the Park

Yesterday, Lucky Bill took a trip to the park. It seems like it has been way too long since his last visit. Weather was somewhat kind to us and we were able to get out and get some fresh air. Lucky clapped & squealed with excitement once he realized where our adventure was taking us. He played on the swings, the merry go round, and he even learned to go down the slide on his own! He is growing up so fast and learning so much! And doesn’t he look handsome in his new hat?

Lucky Bill Meets Santa

ImageBetween Holidays and learning to walk Lucky Bill has been quite the busy boy! We have been visiting family and friends and look forward to another adventure visiting grandparents in Virginia in the next few days. Last week Lucky Bill met Santa for the first time. He was NOT impressed! Once the new year rolls around we have so many pictures and adventures to catch up on! Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to everyone!


A Day in the Life of Lucky Bill

Today was a typical low key day at the Lucky Bill casa. He started his day by reading his favorite books to me, watching Super Why, chasing after the dog’s toys, and throwing a tantrum or two in between trying out a some things we made for Uncle Nate’s dress-up box.

Lucky also helped pack a couple of shoe boxes to send off for Operation Christmas Child. We chose a few of his favorite toys and items that he seemed to favor in the store. Our boxes will be going to two other little boys between 2&4. I plan on making this a tradition to teach Lucky the importance of giving. I want Lucky Bill to know how blessed we are to have a roof over our heads, food in our bellies, shoes on our feet, and toys to play with. And, when the Lord blesses us we should do what we can to bless others. I am sure our boxes contained a little bit of drool and a few tags were chewed off, but I like to think of it as sharing a little bit of ourselves with the children who receive them 🙂



Lucky Bill’s First* Halloween

*Technically, this is Lucky Bill’s second Halloween, but honestly, I was still trying to adjust to parenthood last Halloween so we skipped it. To make up for it, this year I put quite a bit of effort in and made our costumes so we could go as the Super Readers from the AWESOME educational PBS show Super Why! Super Why! happens to be the one character/tv show Lucky has shown quite a bit of interest in, so we went with it. He giggled the moment he put his costume on. I am not sure if he recognized the Super Why! costume or if he just thought the cape was funny. Lucky celebrated with his other baby friends and enjoyed some sugary treats that I do not normally let him have. He stayed up way past bedtime and played all evening…needless to say he slept like a baby (hehe) and even let his mom and dad sleep in the next morning ❤ All in all it was a success!

Lucky Bill Goes to Virginia

This past summer was full of adventure for Lucky Bill! In September he went on his second trip to visit grandparents in Virginia. Lucky was spoiled to bits and had a blast on his first visit to an amusement park, the Virginia Beach Aquarium and the beach. We also had our first experience with removing sand from every square inch of his body including his eyes, he got to feel the water on his toes and watch the surfers, seagulls, and fishermen from the pier. Then back to grandma and grandpas for more spoiling. It was a fun Adventure and we are looking forward to it all again this Christmas!

Lucky Bill Goes to the Apple Orchard

I know, I know, it has been way too long since my last update! August and September were probably two of the busiest months we have had in years. Visiting family and friends and trying to soak up the last of the warm weather before the dreaded winter gets here! Today on a whim we finally broke down and welcomed fall with a trip to Tanner’s Apple Orchard in Speer, Illinois. The weather was BEAUTIFUL and Lucky Bill loved it. We took him to feed the goats and llamas but he seemed to have the most fun drumming on and dancing with the big pumpkins. We ended the day with yummy apple cider donuts and Lucky jabbering all of the way home ❤


Lucky Bill Turns One!!

A couple weekends ago Lucky Bill turned BIG NUMERO UNO! We celebrated with a circus theme (see invites here) and Lucky was our little strongman.

It was a fantastic day! Two sets of grandparents traveled 400 miles or more to join in on the fun, lots of baby friends came to play, and we all filled our bellies with Puff Corn, cake, and candy.

Find more pictures here.

Lucky Bill’s First Photo

This is THE VERY first picture taken of my baby (and a few short minutes later our nurse would coin the name ‘Lucky Bill’). The very second I heard him cry my heart overflowed with love and I knew in that moment I would do ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING for that baby.  Nearly a one year later, countless sleepless nights, and several hundred…possibly thousand dirty diapers I still feel the same. (Mushy huh?)